米格尔卡斯特罗 was beginning his shift as a garbage collector when a car hit him, 一场事故让他双腿截肢. One of his customers found him and called 911, saving Castellanos' life. 事故发生后不到一年, 他用假肢走路, guided and supported by the team at the UCSF 矫正器 & 假肢中心.

这对卡斯特利亚诺斯来说是一个改变, who used to regularly walk 5 to 7 miles around San Francisco to relax after stressful days at work. 他的目标是再次做到这一点, 但现在, 他说, “即使我走了一百米, 这足以让我自我感觉良好." Here, he talks about his dedication to recovery.